Cooking Withdrawal

I am going through a cooking withdrawal. Ahh!!! Yes, I know I just completed my culinary internship (aka the internship from H-E-double hockey sticks) and was working in a restaurant every day, but I miss cooking. Actually cooking. Preparing something inspired with local, seasonal, fresh ingredients. Recipes of my own design. Food with passion, not calculative production.
This brings me to where I am today. As I type, I am anxiously waiting for my movers to arrive to move my belongings to the new apartment. This has been a highly anticipated move, made worse by the movers being 1 1/2 hours late. Due to lack of time and having all of my kitchen possessions in boxes, I have not had a second to prepare something from scratch...aside from scrambled eggs. That doesn't count though. But, Tuesday night-I am back and in action! I will cooking something. Anything! My boyfriend's lovely grandparent's sent over vegetables from their garden and I CANNOT wait to prepare something delicious with them! Green beans, pole beans, heirloom cherry tomatoes, eggplant, squash... The new apartment is a bountiful farmer's market just beckoning for me too cook. Just a few more hours of agony. Waiting. Bored out of my gourd. Oh well. Good things hopefully come to those who wait (or more accurately moan and groan out of boredom). Until next time, do some cooking for me!
